Country’s most expensive ZIP code can only be visited by boat

The most expensive zip code in the United States doesn’t come from neighborhoods like Manhattan, Los Angeles or Silicon Valley. The human-made barrier island in Miami, called Fisher Island, occupies the post. Located off the coast of Miami, the private spot is only accessible by ferry or water taxi and is a haven for the richest in the world.

The 87-hectare island has a diverse population, representing more than 50 nationalities, ranging from professional athletes and supermodels to executives and lawyers.

The median income on Fisher Island, zip code 33109, was $ 2.5 million in 2015, according to Bloomberg analysis of 2015 data from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The figure is $ 1 million higher than the second place, zip code 94027, in Silicon Valley, also known as Atherton City, on the San Francisco peninsula. Famous residents of the area include Stanford University and Menlo Park, home to Facebook and various technology companies.

Although IRS data offer only the averages of tax returns, which can be skewed by one-off factors, Fisher Island is the only postal code in the Bloomberg analysis where more than half of all tax returns showed income above $ 200,000.

Two other Florida ZIP codes – Palm Beach (home of US President Donald Trump’s club) and Naples – entered the top 20. The suburbs of Seattle, Philadelphia, Chicago and Boston also reached the highest places.

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